Summer weather has finally seemed to find its way to the Bay Area. Sunshine and unexpected heat have been in the forecast for the last couple of weeks. Better late than never, i say!
I've put knitting on the back burners only because the heat makes knitting a little sticky and shifts at the coffee shop have drained most of my brain power and emotional will. I have half cocked plans to get more items into
FINE+dandy, but haven't the time. Soon, I will make some.
Until that happens, here's some news from my life:
Jamie and I got a kitten a few weeks back.

Her name is Charo, but Jamie calls her Meemers (he calls all cats that) and she seems to answer to that more than Charo. She so fluffy and pretty and we love her soo much, even though Jamie is very allergic to her.
I also cut off all of my hair, well almost.

I haven't had my hair this short since second grade; I'm digging it a lot more this time around. As with all my haircuts for the past few years, I did this one myself and its not bad. I've learned that the best way to learn how to cut your own hair is to just do it and try not to care what the back of your head looks like.
My hair cut came just in time for the heatwave that hit the Bay Area last week. For the past couple of years, the warm summer weather has been compressed into a couple weeks in August and September. The Indian summer is nice, but i loved waking up today with fog clinging on to the Oakland/ Berkeley hills and the morning sun peaking out behind scattered drizzly clouds. Can't wait for some good knitting weather!
Tah tah for now!
-Alice and Charo