Sunday, January 30, 2011

Summer In January

80's Skort Jumper

It seems that every year in late January or early February for the past 6 years that i've lived in Oakland there has been 3 days to a week of freaky warm weather.  Just a few weeks ago, it was in the low 40's.  Last week, it was mid 60's, so I decided to partake in winter's little reprieve.
Last Sunday, in the midst of the heat wave, I bought this number at Mercy Vintage on Piedmont Ave: an 80's wrap skort jumper. It was a somewhat uncharacteristically whimsy purchase on my part, but it was only $10.
I threw it on to run some errands and snapped these pics upon my return home.

80's Skort Jumper

80's Skort Jumper

Just to prove that it is indeed (a) skort/skorts - i give you the gratuitous booty shot.

80's Skort Jumper

Now, Winter has returned and I am bundled up in two sweaters next to my pathetic heater with a hot cup of tea watching Annie Lennox videos.  
I will leave you with my favorite.  (Thanks to Teenangster for posting it on her blog.) Until next time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The days of our lives

So I've been racking my brains since last time trying to find a meaningful topic to post about here, but this has only prevented me from posting.
So here is a list of ideas that have been floating around my mind:

  • How much in control are we when it comes to our lives, our futures, our relations to the cosmic and not so cosmic, etc? (i know, a big existential quandary.)
  • (this probably brought on that first one) The meanings of astrology and how much or little I lay stake in it.
At the beginning of last week, there was a big hoopla about adding a long discarded astrological sign to the original twelve in order to take in to account the cosmic evolutions that have occurred since there invention almost 2,000 years ago.
For the most part, I don't care, especially since my sign wasn't/isn't effected (Pieces, in case you were wondering).  But it got me thinking about how I turn to horoscopes and the occasional fortune cookie when it feels as though my luck has run out. I find comfort in mercury's dives into retrograde and vague assurances that better times are on the horizon.  Also, my maternal grandmother, a devout Catholic, had an affinity for astrology and fortune telling and that makes me happy inside. :)

As another aside, 2011 is the year of the rabbit, my year, so I'm hoping that there's something good for me  in the stars this year.

  • I was gonna lay out a plan on how I'm gonna stop being a dufuss when it comes to money, having and spending it. But i don't wanna.
But what i will share is the couple things that I liked about last week:

Yesterday,  the Bay Area was enveloped by a very dense fog that lasted until 11am. It was magical. This  was the view from my studio apartment at 9am.  It was eerie, but so beautiful to wake up to. The fog return in the evening.

There was also some fun had with Charo and Photo Booth that I was unaware of.

Well, there you have it. Off the work I must go. 


Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Brand New Start

A new post for the New Year.
And a new kitty pic


I can't remember if I've ever taken New Years seriously. I've partaken in my fair share of bubbly drinks, noise-makers and stolen kisses; i've also given into the New Year's grumps more than I'd like to admit. Either way, New Year's resolutions have never been my thing, but I feel the turning a new leaf.
Having said that, I realize that today is the ninth day of the new year and I'm a little late with my declarations of new beginnings, but you know what they say...

Anyways, I figure that this blog is as good a place as any to reveal the hopes and goals that I hold for this year. which can really be summed up with this one resolution:

1. Being more active.

It seems that all this past year I had been meaning to do so many things and for some reason or another I never really acted on any of the intentions. This i want to change.
So here is a list (yes, a list within a list) of things I hope to be more active with:
- Blogging >> I came to the realization a couple months ago that I am a REALLY lazy blogger. I loved my tumblr when i first started it, but now, I can't even be bothered with posting on it. I have a Pinterest account and I want to do more with that, but that seemed so silly considering that I hardly utilize my long-form blog.
So here's my idea:
One thoughtfully put-together post each week right here.

- I need to get off my ass more. >> Working in a coffee shop takes alot of physical stamina. You are on your feet for five hours or more, constantly trying (or at the very least looking like you're trying) to find shit to do so the bosses don't fire you.
But it's not exercise and I could use a but more of that in my life. Why? Because working in a coffee shop (or any retail setting really) is stressful, both physically and mentally and I'm a firm believer that regular exercise helps one to cope more with physical and emotion stress.
Not to mention that knitting, while very stress relieving for me, is a very stationary activity that is not doing my butt any favors.

Speaking of knitting...

- Getting more involved with FINE & dandy >> I must admit that my Etsy shop has not been very high on my list of priorities this past year. I sell an item every once in a while and it's great, but i'd like to throw more of myself into selling my knits.
This is a two sided goal: more regular posting on etsy and selling at a craft fair at the end of the year. I need to build a worthy inventory.

There you have it. My New Year's resolutions, well, more like goals, but you get the picture. I have a few others, but they're more personal goals like call my mother more often and get a savings account so I'll spare you the details.

Until next time...